When you are offered free public agent porn scenes to mess about with, you don’t say no to an offer this sweet. You take them up on that offer because you want to be ready for any chance to watch those horny girls going for it in public sex acts.
I think this is where you leave your softcore dreams for the moment. While I will always have a place for softcore porn this isn’t the moment for it. This is the moment for sluts who like to express themselves in public moments. I guess you could also make the argument for watching a few home made porn scenes, perhaps just to get yourself in the mood.
All I want to do is to get my cock something that it is going to enjoy. It might be public sex today and perhaps the next day it will be homemade sex tapes. That’s the beauty of what is on offer here, you are always going to be able to satisfy the urges no matter what they might be.